This past weekend we went to Sweet Berry Farm in Marble Falls to check out the pumpkin patch.
Kiley had a blast and was running and smiling the whole time! The rain stopped long enough for us to enjoy our time there, making the day overall great. The farm was full of activities, pumpkins and flowers, animals, rides and they even offer lunch. Kiley loved that there were children running around everywhere. It was a huge distraction for her, but we still got some awesome photos! Kiley's favorite parts? Had to be the pumpkin filled boats - she immediately started driving those boats and the children's tractor - we couldn't get her off of it! Enjoy the photos! There are a ton!
Kiley made a bee line to this scarecrow, struck a pose and started running to the animals. Side note: Suzy made this trip with us too!
She loved all the animals. Here she is petting the goat like she does our dogs. She fed them and all of us were pretty surprised that she wasn't afraid one bit!
Running ahead of the crowd! Watch out people, here she comes!
Sitting on top of the boat and loving every minute of it!
"Don't worry Momma, I can do it!" We weren't much of a pumpkin fan, but this one she was trying to pick up and take home with her.
She loved this tractor! Pretty sure she would have sat on that tractor all day if we would have let her.
At the flower garden.

She kept laughing at the goats. Is it just me or is it not the most adorable thing when Kiley covers her mouth when she laughs! L-O-V-E it and love her!
Gig'em & God Bless!
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