This past week Kiley celebrated her 14 month birthday. At 14 months our little baby is becoming a young little girl. She is walking around now like nobody's business. Struting her stuff through all the stores and restaurants. She is talking like crazy and a new trend for her? BOOKS. She is absolutely crazy about her books. We keep her books on her book shelf which is right above her dresser. The first thing she wants to see and play with in the mornings is her books. Not just one book at a time, but all her books spread out on the floor for her to look at and "read." The cute thing about it, that always makes me smile, is that she is pointing at everything and talking like she is reading the book. Her books go with us everywhere - the mall, the car, church. Some children have blankets as their security, Kiley has her books! Now, don't get me wrong I don't think this is a bad thing at all. In fact I think it's great, but she now has the nickname of "book nerd." I've decided that I definitely need to go buy her some more books and I added to her collection today with an ABC Elmo book that actually talks. The reaction on her face when that book started to talk was priceless. She was both excited and scared. : ) So, the day starts with books for Kiley now and of course, the day also ends with us putting up the books.
She is also 100% becoming a mini Mommy. She is one of the most loving babies I have ever been around. Always giving everyone kisses and hugs. She loves to share her toys and carries her baby dolls around everywhere. As you all know she loves dogs or "A Dah!" as she calls them. One morning this week she did one of the sweetest acts I have ever seen her do with Zoe, our dog. She was eating cheerios in her bumbo chair on top of the countertop when she saw Zoe. She of course gets so excited and decides that she wanted to share her cheerios with Zoe. I picked Zoe up and she handed her a cheerio and gave her one of the biggest and most loving hugs and then a kiss! Eventhough Kiley is only 14 months old she can teach people so much. There is no hatred in that big heart of hers, it's just all love!
In the picture, I found her sleeping like this one night. So sweet and such a Mommy!
Later Sunday, we went to Caldwell to have a play date with Wednesday and Dusty and their two cute, sweet boys. We went to the Caldwell park to go cool off and Kiley wasn't too sure about the water popping out of the ground like that. We took her over to it a couple of times, but in the end she just decided that she would rather just hang back with the adults and watch Kyson and Krush run around in the water. I think after a couple of more visits we will start to get comfortable. Keeping our fingers crossed!
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