I have always been and always will be one of Kiley's biggest fans. The other biggest fan is Jason, of course. I didn't even know that I could love and admire someone so much, until we had Kiley (no offense babe). I was her fan before I even met her - it was meant to be. I say this, because I have probably well over a 1000 photos of our daughter and the pictures and albums are steadily growing in numbers! - and very quickly at that!
Each week I come on here and write about the new things Kiley has done. And now I'm stunned by the thought that I am going to very soon be writing about our little Kiley's first birthday. Knowing this, I have also felt the need to get as many pictures as possible this last few weeks. Now don't get me wrong, just because Kiley is turning 1 doesn't mean that the pictures will slow, but my little baby is starting to look like a little girl now and well I'm just trying to capture the baby essense that she still has left.
First of all let's start with this past weekend! We had family time at the lake, despite Dada having to work at night, we were able to spend the days together and really enjoy ourselves. Friday, we left for the lake and while Nanna and Pops took Kiley with them to the grocery store, Jason taught me how to drive a jet ski! WOW! It was a little overwhelming because it was pretty choppy out there and we got water splashed on us (thanks Jason) which was VERY cold, but other than that we had a lot of fun! Once we got back to the house my parents and Kiley were back which made for a very nice evening eating at the house and just relaxing. Saturday took us to Austin where we got to watch Trey (my cousin) who is a pitcher for Texas Tech pitch against Texas and win! It was great because I always like to see the Longhorns loose..; ) Kiley enjoyed herself because she was outside of course and all in all it was a great day!

Our weekend ended quietly, although very windy and we headed home that afternoon!
On Monday I got Kiley ready for pictures in Austin. I wanted to have more professional pictures done of Kiley before her first birthday and had always planned on The Picture People doing the photos like they did for her 8 month birthday. But, my plan went sour when I found out that they had closed their store in Austin. I remembered seeing a photographer at the Arboretum that had caught my eye and decided to give him a call. He said that he had young children himself and enjoys taking very natural, organic shots of individuals outside in the Arboretum park. I thought, what the heck lets give it a shot! Nanna, Kiley and I loaded up with many outfits in hand (I couldn't decide) and drove up to Austin to see what this guy could do. Kiley slept on the way up there, we grabbed a bite to eat, and she couldn't have been in a better mood! John didn't like to make Kiley do anything she didn't want to do. If she was scared or about to cry he would just have us do something else. He made it fun and got some really great photos. It really helped that Kiley was outside and a lot of younger children were playing out there. She loved that and kept pointing and shrieking with excitement at them and the squirrels. The grass was soft so she didn't mind being put on the ground and of course everytime she saw a leaf she had to pick it up and show it to Nanna and Mama. That's my girl, very aware of everything you put her by!

I was so proud of her, she did so good and to her mommy and daddy, she is the most gorgeous baby we have ever seen!
So, on Tuesday we went to go see the Easter Bunny. I was not to sure how this was going to go. Kiley was not too happy to see Santa so, we were hoping that the Bunny might be different. Boy was I wrong! When she first saw the Easter Bunny she began shrieking with excitement, "Aha!" "Aha!" and pointing at the bunny. So, I'm thinking, "okay, so this is going to be a good picture." Again, wrong! Once Daddy decides to take her closer to the bunny and then let her sit on the bunny...well, let's just say it went down hill from there! We tried to advert her attention, but she was just plain bawling and soooo upset. They took the picture anyways, but I wasn't very happy with the result. That's when I asked the lady if we could be in the picture too. She agreed that was a good idea and Jason and I then sat by the bunny with Daddy protecting his baby by making sure she was no where near the bunny and we got a good shot! Although, it was not what I was planning to do this year, it did turn out to be a great photo. BUT I won't be putting it on the mantle anytime soon!

It's amazing what you will do once you have children...
This weekend is Easter, but also Kiley's last "first holiday." - I hope that makes sense. The last celebration is her first birthday, but I know there will be many more first for her and many more wonderful holiday's to come! Until this weekend, Gig em' & God Bless!