Sunday, February 27, 2011

A Letter to Kiley

Dear Kiley Addyson,

I wanted to write this letter to you to let you know how much Mommy and Daddy love you.  You are a little ray of sunshine that shines upon us each and every day.  It's hard for us to believe that you are 9 months old.  Yesterday, I started packing up most of your winter clothes that you can't fit into anymore or are too warm for you to wear (it's been 70 degrees or more which is really really warm for February).  Mommy had clothes everywhere trying to fold up the ones that were going to go in storage and hanging your new spring/summer clothes.  You had a blast helping (more like making a mess) Mommy! Everytime you would unfold something or throw the clothes everywhere I could hear you secretly giggling to yourself. I love your laugh. It is one of the sweetest sounds I have ever heard. Good thing Mommy has also learned to just go along with you because if Kiley's happy then everyone is happy! We also got a seat for Kiley on Daddy's bike yesterday and a helmet.  Daddy took the time to attach your seat to the bike and we were so excited to put you in there and see how you liked it! The result? You cried!! You didn't really care for the helmet, but we have to protect that sweet head of yours. So, Daddy didn't ride with you long, but we will try again another day and I know you will grow to love it!

Every Friday I take you to daycare.  You love it there, really you do! Lately, it's been hard for Mommy to let you go though.  You are just so much fun to be around! This past Friday I took you to daycare and you gave me a BIG kiss bye and I in turn felt like crying.  You love playing with your baby friends and Mommy is glad about that, but you also love to be around Mommy and Daddy so I just didn't want to let you go that day..

Last week on Thursday, we went to go pick up Mommy's friend, December.  I was so excited to go get her and happy that you had taken a nap on the drive up there to Austin.  We left a little earlier because you like to take naps around 10:00 a.m. and you always fall right asleep once you have had your juice and been riding in the car a little bit.  I think you knew December was someone special to Mommy because you were on your best behavior the whole time she was there.  Seeing you crawling around and giggling made Mommy fall in love with you all over again!  Every day your personality shines through more and more.  You love to be tickled and chased by Daddy and you love the mornings because that's when you get to eat some of Mommy's cheerios or if December is here you insist that she share too! Now, December likes to sleep later in the morning than you do so, I had to make sure that I had your bottle ready for you when you woke up at 7 a.m.  Mommy knew what you would wear and since you hate clothes right now Mommy would let you drink your bottle while she got you dressed...I know it's sneaky of me to do that, but it kept you from screaming! When it was time for December to leave Mommy wasn't ready for her to go and was pretty upset, but you stayed the loving, sweet baby girl you always have been and brightened Mommy's day!

Pictures with December!

Kiley's first Valentine's Day! We couldn't get you to keep your bow in your hair!

Kiley, every morning I look forward to seeing your beautiful face as you play in your crib waiting on Mommy to get you ready for the day.  And eventhough, you haven't said MaMa yet I know that when you are babbling you are telling me in your own words that you love me and baby I love you SO much! You and Daddy are my life! 


Here's to another fantastic day and week! Gig'em and God Bless!

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