Thursday, December 1, 2011

Road Trip!

Tuesday, November 15-17 Kiley and I ventured up to Amarillo to go see our good friend December and meet her new baby, Drake who was 3 weeks old at the time.

Fortunately for us we didn't exactly take a "road" trip.  Driving would have taken 8 hours and there is no way I can do that with an 18 month old so, we flew.  Of course there is no direct flights so, we went from Austin to Dallas and from there to Amarillo.  The flights went really smoothly and Kiley did great! The hardest part was me trying to carry and push and pull everything around the airports! I was so worn out from just doing that, but Kiley had a ton of fun and we were glad that we made the trip!

Kiley playing outside.  I would throw the ball up as high as I could and she would laugh and clap her hands! This day it actually got what I call cold and so I made sure that Kiley was bundled up! Snug as a bug in a rug!

Kiley giving Drake kisses! He was so sweet and so quiet.  We love him so much!

Once we got home, Kiley started clapping her hands with excitement and then she slept for 5 hours.  Pure exhaustion! Good thing she slept because I need some rest too after trying to manage all of our bags, and a stroller, and a playpen.  Once she woke up I gave her a bath and she sat on the sofa so content and happy to be home!

The next day, Dada got home from work and Kiley was so excited to see him! Last time we saw Daddy was that Sunday because he worked Monday for the fire department.  We both missed him terribly! She wouldn't let him set her down and gave him soooo many kisses and hugs.

I've been having so much fun with Kiley lately.  She tries to repeat everything we say and is constantly saying more, baby, and papa.  I think those have to be her favorite words right now!  They sound so sweet coming out of her mouth and I love when she says bye and blows kisses.  I still need to get all of this on video, but like I have said before that is no easy task now!

Feeding herself yogurt like a big girl and watching tv.

Nanna and Pops got Kiley a little dog that barks and walks.  At first she didn't know what to think when I turned it on.  She got kind of shy and sat on my lap watching it.  Eventually, she got a little more brave and now she carries it around everywhere! Her new favorite toy!

Another post to follow after this about Turkey Day!

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