Sunday, December 11, 2011

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Christmas time is fast approaching for Kiley and Jason and I are super excited for her second Christmas!

She is at that stage right now where she is beginning to notice that things are different with decorations, etc..  The first time she walked in and saw the christmas tree was priceless.  She just stood by it and stared in awe at the lights.  It was an amazing moment to be able to see through her eyes for a little bit! That night when the decorations were up we took Kiley outside to go see Santa and his elves.  She was so excited to see Santa and continually repeated "Ho! Ho!." She looked like a little elf herself and was giving Santa kisses and hugs.  It was so sweet to watch and made me realize what a joy she is in our lives and what a joy she brings to the holiday!

Last weekend we took Kiley out to the Lights of Tejas.  She enjoyed every minute of it.  First of all we were outside, second she was in her jogger, which she loves, and third she loved starring at all the lights.  It was a great family time night with Nanna and Pops and we plan on going to Santa's Wonderland in College Station.  Can't wait to see her face light up again!

This is a rough picture of what our Christmas family picture looked like.

Yesterday, we saw Santa Claus!  We were super worried about her reaction this year considering that she is now 19 months old and we figured she would put up a fight when it came to sitting on Santa's lap.  I mean you must admit Santa looks pretty different from the rest of us, if I was a 1 1/2 year old I wold be scared too!  So, in knowing this knowledge we tried to prep Kiley with a stuffed Santa doll that she sleeps and plays with in her crib.  Every chance we got we talked about Santa hoping that when it was meeting time she wouldn't freak out and run for the nearest exit.  It didn't work! The minute she saw Santa she stopped in her tracks and just stood there.  Then reacted by wanting Mommy and Daddy to protect her from him.  We did get a picture without her screaming which I consider a success! She wouldn't sit on his lap, but she would sit in a rocking chair next to Santa as long as she had a book.  Like I've said before she loves books! So, as long as our little book nerd had a book to look at she was fine sitting next to Santa.

A rough picture of Kiley and Santa.  The irony of this picture is that her shirt says, I love Santa!

Of course, today she walked around acting so excited everytime she saw Santa on T.V. or in a book! Yelling out Ho!Ho! at the top of her lungs.  You would never have known that she wanted nothing to do with him yesterday. It was the farthest thing from her mind!

Another post next, mostly photos-family portraits that is! Gig'em & God Bless!

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