Two weekends ago Jason's Aunt Bitsy and Uncle Lynn came and stayed with us at the lake. We had so much fun and were so glad they made it out again this year! Kiley really enjoys their company as do we! They gave Kiley a bear purse for her birthday while they were there and now she has been inseparable with it ever since! We named the bear Mary and she has to sleep with her in her bed every night.
Kiley loves to get cards. She calls them a book. This is the one she got from her Uncle Lynn and Aunt Bitsy.
Last weekend we spent our time at home enjoying the pool. Wednesday, our friend, brought her cute boys over Saturday for a playdate. I told Kiley that morning that they were coming to play and she couldn't stop saying "Where Krush?" "Where Kyson?" She was so excited to hear that they were coming and when she heard she was getting in the water she said, "Mommy, where my suit?" I love hearing her talk. It's amazing to me how much this little girl knows in what seems like such a short amount of time to learn! The kids had a blast. They played in the water, ate hot dogs, and played on the play set. Afterwards Kiley went down for a nap and boy was she tired. I figured she would sleep good, mostly because before Wednesday and the boys left it looked like she was fixing to fall asleep in the chair she was sitting in outside. :) She had a bad case of sleepy eyes. Poor baby! Later that afternoon Bethany (best friend), Abel (her husband) and their little baby boy, Mason came over and swam and ate supper with us. Kiley was somewhat curious about the baby and couldn't figure out why he would be crying at times. Mason went swimming in the pool for the first time that night. It was great to watch him and see how relaxed he got while in the water. It reminded me of when Kiley was a baby and we would take her in my Mom's pool. She always loved it and she always seemed so relaxed and calm. She would go right to sleep after we would get in the pool. Loved those days, but definitely enjoying these times too. She is getting so brave in the water. She will jump off the side of the pool and when we were at the lake she was jumping off the back of the boat. Needless to say I'm a proud Mommy!
4th of July morning playing on her playset or like she says, "MY Slide!"
Krush and Kiley having a conversation! They are like an old married couple...
Some funny quotes Kiley said this week:
* Mommy asked Kiley, "What does a cow say?" Kiley responds, "Ummmm, COOOOW?"
*Again Mommy asked Kiley, "What does a cow say?" Kiley responds, "MEOW!"
Looks like getting down what a cow says is going to be difficult.
*Mommy showed Kiley a picture of when Kiley was a baby with Santa. Mommy asked Kiley, "There's Kiley and who is that with her?" She looks at the photo. Thinks about it and responds, "ELMO!!!"
Mommy couldn't stop laughing about that answer. Love her so much, silly girl!
* Earlier this week she asked Daddy where Zoe was. He told her she was outside and could open the door and to call her to tell her to come back inside. So she ran to the door opened it up and yelled, "Zoe!" Zoe comes running up she told her, "Zoe, no bark! Okay? Go inside!" Zoe went inside and she came in after her closing the door. I couldn't stop laughing, she looked just like me out there, which makes me realize she is listening even when I think that she isn't!
Sunday it was just Kiley and Mommy. So, before it rained we went in the pool for a couple of hours, then danced and played on the playset. This picture is of her busting some moves!
She was letting her sock monkey, Bo ride piggy back! She kept saying, "Okay, Bo, Ready? 1,2,3, Go!" Then she would run as fast as she could.
Heading to the lake early tomorrow for a long weekend. Until next time, Gig'em & God Bless!!
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