Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Where Are You?

As noted in the last blog, we went to Alex's graduation party.  Kiley loves her "Aunt" Alex and was constantly asking me, "Where Alex go?"  The minute she would spot her she would run over there wanting her to pick her up!

Kiley had a blast at Alex's graduation.  After the ceremony she was running around on the field picking up confetti.  If she had her way she would be out there all night.  She is definitely like her Mommy, always making sure everything is in its place and clean.  Our little picker upper!

The next day after graduation night we went to the lake.  I would say watermelon is one of her absolute favorite foods.  She also kept making sure that Nanna and Mommy had plenty of watermelon.  The minute one of our bowls was empty she would say, "oh, Mommy more?" Before I could answer she was putting another piece in my bowl.  Finally I had to hide the watermelon because I was so full!

Laughing with her Daddy! She loves being outside.  As long as she is at the lake and able to play when she wants to and ride in the boat she is a happy baby!

Every time we go to the lake she has to make sure that her purse goes with her every where.  It even got to the point to where she thought she needed her purse for the boat and to go night night.  That didn't happen though, Mommy had to draw the line.  She also loves riding the banana boat.  We told her to do no hands and say, "Giddy up!"

In this picture she is going on hour 4 of nap time! She has started a ritual whenever she goes night night or takes a nap.  She has to make sure that she gives every one a hug and kiss and when I say every one I'm also including the doggies.  When she knows it's time for bed she says, "Where Zoe?" "Zoe hug, Zoe kiss." One thing for sure she loves her doggies!

Lately her personality is really starting to shine.  Our little chatterbox always has something to say.  She wakes up talking and she goes to sleep talking.  There have even been nights where we have to remind her that it's time to go night night and no more play.  Apparently she has a lot to say to her baby dolls!

She loves to play and act silly.  One of the things she has started this week is having me put a towel or blanket on top of her head.  She will say, "Mommy, head!"  The minute the towel has covered her she says, "Kileeeey, where are you?" She will walk around the house with the towel over her, bumping into furniture and walls and laughing so hard.  I love to watch her when she acts silly.  She is always so full of life!

Last week Kiley started swimming lessons.  She is doing so good and Mommy and Daddy are so proud of her! Last week she learned to move her arms and legs and by the end of the week the instructor was only using one hand to keep her up! And today the instructor completely let her go and she swam to me about 2 feet! I was so excited for her! She loves to be in the water and continually wants to practice swimming.  She likes to show us how she moves her arms like scoops and kick her legs to make bubbles. 

On another note, we went to the doctor last week for Kiley's 2 year well check.  She weighed 28 pounds and was 32 1/2" long.  She was in the 60 percentile for weight and 15 percentile for height.  Looks like she is going to be short like Mommy.  Sorry Baby!

Until next time, Gig'em & God Bless!!

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