Sunday, January 8, 2012

More Christmas Pictures.

I know it's been a while since I've written a post and now I have finally found time to upload the Christmas pictures that wouldn't upload on the last post. 

Kiley at Nana & Papa's on Christmas day.  She absolutely loves deers and dogs.  She was showing us where the deer's nose and eyes are. 

Here she is dancing with her new dog that Aunt Pat, Uncle A and the kids gave her.  She loves this dog.  It looks like Zoe and it sings the Justin Beiber song, "Baby."  She sings and dances along with, constantly singing, "Baaaby, Baaaby." So sweet and cute!

 This week we ate with Uncle A, Aunt Pat and the kids.  After Kiley got done eating she went to everyone's lap and had a blast running around and playing with everyone's phone.  When she runs she screams "Ahhhh!" which is exactly what she was doing at Los Patrones.  Now, I've got to manage to get her doing this on video.  It's definitely something to remember.
Kiley sitting on Jordan's lap saying "Cheese!"

Friday Kiley and I went to Reba's because Dada was working late.  This was the first time that she decided to take her purse with her.  She wouldn't go anywhere that night unless she had that purse.  What was in it? A cell phone (fake of course), lipstick (plastic of course), a comb, a pen, debit card and a coin purse.  She was set to go out but too bad the debit card wasn't real or she could have paid!

We took this New Year's Eve before we took the tree down.  I wanted to make sure that I got a picture of her by the tree in her special Christmas outfit! Isn't she a doll? Love her so much!

Hope everyone had a great New Year's and until next time, Gig'em & God Bless!

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