Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Particularly in the last week Kiley has been saying a number of new words. 

The pictures that are on this blog are pretty random and have nothing to do with her saying new words, but I wanted to put them on here because they are so cute!

Baby.  I still need to get a video of her saying it, because she says baby with a long A so it sounds like "bAAAby!"  She will be in her car seat holding her baby and sweetly repeating "bAAby, bAAby, bAAby." Everytime I try to record her saying it she becomes curious about the video camera and runs to see what I'm looking at.  Guess Mommy is going to have to start getting creative!  She also has begun covering her bAAAby with a blankie, patting her back, and saying "Shhh." Such a good little Mommy! :)

Mine.  The other day we were sitting outside eating yogurt and she dropped her baby, Suzy.  I picked Suzy up and kept saying "Mine." Now, that baby is hers.  She goes whereever Kiley goes.  Sharing Suzy is not something Kiley is willing to do. So, when she saw me holding Suzy and saying mine, she ran as fast as she could to me took Suzy and said, "Mine!" About time we got that word down..

Playing outside and cheesing for the camera!

More.  Sunday, we planned to have Bethany and Abel over for supper.  Jason was grilling hamburgers on the grill, which were yummy by the way.  As I was putting pickles, lettuce, tomatoes, etc. on a plate Kiley came to my side and was begging for a pickle.  She loves pickles whether they are sour or sweet! She doesn't care, she just can't get enough! Everytime she would grunt "UH" for another pickle I told her, "say more." Eventually, after maybe the 10th pickle, she quietly said "more." Works for me!

"Here is your phone Mommy!"

WaWa.  Jason, Kiley and I went to Hunans.  Everytime we go out to eat for supper she gets tea.  It's like a treat to her and it keeps her happy to have her own tea in her sippy cup.  When we got our drinks I got the sippy out to start pouring the tea.  I asked her if she wanted any tea and in response she shook her head no (sometimes we say that, but not often YET.  Thank goodness).  I said well then what do you want? That's when she said "WaWa!" Talk about shocked! Me and Jason were so proud!

This is isn't so much words, but some actions that we have been doing.  She now uses her fork to feed herself! She eats so pretty, hardly makes any mess at all and if she does she has a napkin in her hand to clean it up! If I ask her, "Is it yummy?"  She will smile so big and shake her head yes as fast as she can! If you ask her how old she is she will put up her pointer finger showing you that she is one! And along with high fiving we can also fist pump!

This is a pillowcase dress that I sewed for Kiley.  I think it turned out pretty good and she got to wear it the other day.  It looks so cute on her, but now I just need to get some pictures of her wearing it! I've got two more to make for her and those are Christmas themed!

Our little girl is growing up fast.  Did I mention that I am just loving every minute that I have with her, especially at this stage! Until next time, Gig'em & God Bless!

Visiting with Nana & Papa

We try to visit with the grandparents as often as we can. 

A couple of weeks ago we went to go see my grandparents, Nana and Papa.  They love her so much and their faces just light up when they see her! She is very fortunate to have so many great grandparents to love on her!

Everytime we go to visit she has to see the pictures on the refrigerator.  They are pictures of all the grandkids and Kiley can point out everybody.  She gives everyone kisses and if she had her way she would probably stare at that refrigerator the whole time we are there!

She also eats a ton when we go over there! Lots of homemade kolaches, sugar cookies, banana pudding, and lunch.  Somehow she still finds room to drink her milk bottles, but you should see her belly when we leave! It looks like it is ready to pop!

Kiley loves to dance.  Everytime she hears music she starts dancing and acting silly.  While we were at my grandparents, my Nana put the radio on and she was having a blast dancing and clapping along with the music.  Luckily, I got some pictures of her having the time of her life!

Once we were ready to go she gave them a big hug making sure to give them a love pat on the back and a kiss.  They have a special "thing" that they have always done since she was old enough to learn how to do it, maybe 5 months old.  Anyways, they bump heads.  It's so cute and she always makes sure to do it with them! With Suzy in hand, Kiley walked out the door and threw one hand up in the air yelling "BYE" as loud as she could.  I just love when she does that.  It's so matter of fact and one of the cutest things she says right now.

Playground Fun!

Two Saturday's ago, I finally got a chance to take Kiley to the playground at the Elementary. 

Once she woke up from her nap, we drove over to Nanna's and asked her if she and Sonni wanted to take a walk over there and play.  I was curious to see how she would react.  The minute she saw where we were going she got so excited. Clapping her hands, kicking her feet, and screaming YEA! Needless to say, once she got use to her surrondings, she couldn't wait to play! She wasn't too sure about the shreaded rubber tire mulch covering the playground instead of sand, and she definitely didn't like it on her hands! Before we knew it, we had been there for an hour and it was time to go back! She didn't want to leave she was having so much fun.  We have gone back a couple of more times, and everytime she gets so excited! She brings so much joy to our lives, watching her be so amazed by the small things.  Love her!

Looking through the window and playing Peek-A-Boo.

Nanna & Kiley having fun and being silly!

I kept trying to get her to crawl through the tunnel, but she wouldn't do it.  The next time we went back she went though the tunnel and down the slide all by herself! She didn't want any help! I promise you she let me know that!

Cleaning off the steps! They had the tire mulch on them and Kiley didn't think they were suppose to be there! Did I mention that Kiley is a neat freak? Wonder who she gets that from? ;)

More posts coming after this one! Gig'em & God Bless!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Our Little Pumpkin

This past weekend we went to Sweet Berry Farm in Marble Falls to check out the pumpkin patch. 
Kiley had a blast and was running and smiling the whole time! The rain stopped long enough for us to enjoy our time there, making the day overall great.  The farm was full of activities, pumpkins and flowers, animals, rides and they even offer lunch.  Kiley loved that there were children running around everywhere.  It was a huge distraction for her, but we still got some awesome photos! Kiley's favorite parts? Had to be the pumpkin filled boats - she immediately started driving those boats and the children's tractor - we couldn't get her off of it! Enjoy the photos! There are a ton!

Kiley made a bee line to this scarecrow, struck a pose and started running to the animals.  Side note: Suzy made this trip with us too!

She loved all the animals.  Here she is petting the goat like she does our dogs.  She fed them and all of us were pretty surprised that she wasn't afraid one bit!

Running ahead of the crowd! Watch out people, here she comes!

Sitting on top of the boat and loving every minute of it!

"Don't worry Momma, I can do it!" We weren't much of a pumpkin fan, but this one she was trying to pick up and take home with her.

She loved this tractor! Pretty sure she would have sat on that tractor all day if we would have let her.

At the flower garden.

She kept laughing at the goats.  Is it just me or is it not the most adorable thing when Kiley covers her mouth when she laughs! L-O-V-E it and love her!

Gig'em & God Bless!

Mommy Kiley & Suzy

Well as the week progressed Suzy was still Kiley's number one choice.  She is such a sweet and loving mommy. If Kiley was taking a nap then it was time for Suzy to nap too.  We go outside to play, here comes Suzy! I tell Kiley that we are going bye-bye, but wait! We need Suzy first then it's a-ok to go!

I have lost count how many times Suzy has had to take a quick bath (washing machine) this week.  Quick meaning, I distract Miss Kiley with food and quickly throw Suzy in the washer so that she smells fresh, but it has to be done quickly so that she doesn't realize Suzy isn't around and no crying is involved. 

Did I mention that she is head over heels, 100% attached to her baby! The other day she was playing with Suzy in her room.  I went to go check on them and she had put pearls around her neck. I guess she thought that Suzy was a little underdressed for their play date.

This was taken Tuesday, 10-4.  She just woke up from her nap and we were playing outside waiting on Nanna & Pops to show up.  She insisted that she hold her bottle, Suzy, and LuLu. 

Knock Knock Zoe!! Zoe was playing in the backyard and Kiley kept knocking on the fence and yelling "Zoe!" Besides Suzy, Zoe is her second favorite buddy! They have always connected and taken care of each other since day one!

On October 5, Kiley woke up from her nap and her and Dada went outside to play in the sand box.  That day I realized I have three children; Zoe, Kiley, and Daddy.

I love this photo! Caught Kiley playing with Suzy! She was pushing her all around the house on her pony and she had her dressed up for the occasion - pearl necklace again! She was laughing and talking the whole time.  Sometimes I wish I knew what and the world she was talking about!

Watching Aunt JoJo playing softball at Texas State! She had a blast and in this photo she looks so grown up.  Suzy came to the game, too, of course! When we got home from the game I ordered Kiley a softball Texas State shirt...don't want Jordan to get her feelings hurt that she was wearing A&M!

Eating her cereal with baby Suzy.
See Kiley's a good Mommy! She makes sure that her baby eats too! She always shares her food, either with Zoe & Sonni or baby Suzy.

Friday, October 7, we went to the lake and when we first got there she went into her room and got out her blankie.  Next thing I know she is wrapping Suzy up in the blanket and rocking/dancing with her.  I thought it was the cutest thing, but how in the world did she know to wrap that baby up in a blanket? I've never shown her and she doesn't sleep with a blanket - just a naturally loving Momma I guess!

Gig'em & God Bless!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Some Missed Times

The other day I was trying to upload these photos and it was just not cooperating. 
So, I decided to hold off and try again later.  Now, it has decided to work! The previous weekend we headed up to the lake again.  Kiley loves to look at magazines and books.  Here she is looking at a Fischer-Price magazine with all kinds of toys in it.  She told me she was making a list for Santa.  She definitely loved the dancing dog so she put that at the top of her list.  She was shrieking with such excitement when she saw that toy! It's fascinating to watch her play.  When she is looking at these books and magazines she is pointing and talking like she is reading them. I've gotta say though everything she does is fascinating to Mommy, she can do no wrong! Well, most of the time.

I decided to give wakeboarding a try that weekend.  Don't want to brag or anything, but I got up on the first try! Hopefully, that means I'm a natural!

Ready to go! Move over Pops, Kiley's driving the boat now!

This Saturday, Jason, Kiley and I went to Austin for the morning.  For lunch we stopped at Five Guys Burger & Fries.  I have never been there before and it was awesome.  Anyways, Jason and Kiley were sharing fries and Jason was dipping the fries into his ketchup.  Miss Observer was watching what Dada was doing and decided that she wanted to dip her fries in the ketchup too.  Well, the clean freak within me was trying to control the situation and not freak out that she might get ketchup all over herself.  It went surprisingly well though, to my relief! This picture is of Kiley having her fries and ketchup at Nanna & Pops' house tonight.  This time she could get as messy as she wanted to because Mommy took her shirt off.  I forgot to mention that she sucks the ketchup off the fries instead of biting it off.  So cute!

Until next week, Gig'em & God Bless!

My Baby & Me

I've noticed that each week Kiley has a new "security blanket."  Sometimes it's her puppy, Violet or her bear, LuLu and most of the time it's Suzy, her baby doll.  This week Suzy was the "it" toy.  She went everywhere Kiley went.  From the minute she wakes up she is looking for her Suzy.  We went shopping this week in RoundRock and of course there was Suzy along side Kiley riding in the stroller.

Earlier this week we went to go see Wednesday and her 2 sweet boys, Krush and Kyson and Suzy came along for the playdate as well. 

Kiley & Krush! As you can see, Kiley has Suzy and Krush was enjoying playing with LuLu.  Surprisingly, Kiley shared her LuLu, but she just couldn't part with her baby.

The two love birds!

A video of Kiley & Krush in action! I must admit that me and Wednesday encourage them to do this!

Saturday,  Jason, Kiley and I went to Austin in the morning.  Jason needed some new running shoes.  Suzy came too and got carried around the whole store.  On a side note, this a picture of Kiley on the ride back home from Austin.  She was sooo sleepy and I was doing everything I could think of to keep her awake so that when we got home she would nap in her crib.  It took a lot of persistance, but it ended up paying off because she stayed awake for the ride and took a 3 hour nap in her crib instead.

No matter what or how much stuff Kiley is holding you could bet that Suzy was going to be with her this week.  At one point this week she was holding Suzy, her milk bottle, and her bunny.  It's so cute to see her acting like a little Mommy, brushing Suzy's hair with what once was her baby brush and giving her kisses and hugs.  She just absolutely loves that doll! Wonder what will be the new "it" toy this week?

Gig'em & God Bless!