Sunday, September 18, 2011

A Little Angel

 I wanted to add a picture of the outside of the sandbox that Kiley's Daddy made.  

He did a great job and she just loves playing in there! We've been going out there everyday.  It's great because it's in the shade so, I don't have to worry about her getting too much sun!

This was the same day Kiley got to play in her sandbox for the first time.  She wanted to feed herself so, Daddy convinced me that it was ok. I know she has to try it out on her own, but I'm a neat freak! Seeing her make a mess like that was driving me crazy! She enjoyed it though and overall did a pretty good job at getting the spoon in her if I can only get pass all the mess, she will get some more practice in!

Friday night we went to the football game with Wednesday, Dusty and their 2 boys, Kyson and Krush.  It was homecoming and I was pretty determined to get Kiley her first mum! I thought it turned out so cute and surprisingly she never even messed with it.  She absolutely loves playing with Wednesday's boys and spent most of the time trying to give them lovin' - kisses and hugs.

Eating snacks before we left for the game.  I dressed her up in the school colors and just thought she couldn't look any cuter! We weren't too sure how she would act at the game, but she was a little angel.  She would hold Mommy or Daddy's hand when we told her and was really just being such a good girl! The best part was that we never heard her scream once that night!! She had a lot of fun and I just enjoyed watching her be entertained and happy!

This is Kiley dancing after the game in her room before she went to bed.  I wish I had that much energy...

We spent the rest of the weekend relaxing and playing at home while Kiley's Daddy studies for his promotion test.  Thanks for reading, Gig'em & God Bless!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Sand Everywhere!

When we got back from Maui in May, Jason promised Kiley that he would make her a sandbox to play in in our backyard. 

She loved to play in the sand on the beach so, he wanted to recreate that for her here.  Little did we know that this project was going to turn into a 4 month ordeal...Well, I am happy to say that it is now officially complete and Kiley has played in it and absolutely loves it!

Putting sand in her plastic cup.  We have sand toys, but they are at the lake! Nanna is bringing them home for us this weekend though.

I love this picture, because this is just what Kiley does! She loves to play outside and loves the sand, but absolutely hates to have stuff on the bottom of her feet and her hands.

When I first placed her in her sandbox she wasn't so sure what to think of it, but once she got comfortable I couldn't get her out! She was throwing sand everywhere and had it in every little baby fat crease she has and all in her hair.  I'm thinking the sandbox is a definite hit for Kiley.  She played in there for an hour or so and then Mama decided it was time to go in and clean up. 

On another note, I have finally decided on a halloween costume! I had originally picked out a poodle skirt outfit for Kiley and even ordered it.  But, when it came to the house I was pretty disappointed in the quality of the costume and ended up returning it.  Trying to find something else has been kind of difficult.  Although Kiley is 16 months, she is still wearing clothes in the 9 to 12 month range. I know she is petite!  Most of the really cute costumes are for older girls or they are going to be too hot for this Texas weather! So, after searching for a while I finally found the cutest costume. It's different and Kiley will look as cute as a button.  So, what is she going to be? A Hippie Baby! lol can't wait to get it ordered and see the costume on her!

I was moving pictures over to a USB and came across some photos of Kiley close to when she was 2 weeks to a month old.  Thought I would put a couple up.  The changes are just mind boggling! She's still the same sweet, loving, bubbly personality, but just more of a toddler now than a baby.  To Jason and I though, she will always be our little baby girl.

She feel asleep here after her first bath at home.  She was only 3 days old.  She looks like a little baby doll.

I'll be posting again this weekend, but until then, Gig'em & God Bless!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Testing the Water

So I know it's been a couple of weeks since I wrote another post.  I'm slacking in this department, but have been taking plenty of pictures. 

For Labor Day weekend we went to the lake on Thursday and left Monday.  Kiley had a lot of fun, like always, except for Monday.  My little angel was showing us her "darker side."  Definitely a side that I don't like seeing that often! She was just not having a good day at all - we all have them, but I think it's even worse when the only way she can tell us that she isn't happy is to scream and cry!  Needless to say after Jason wakeboarded after lunch we hit the road and prayed that she would take a nap.  One hour later in the car she finally stopped screaming and gave up! I know she is in the "testing the water" phase and I'm thinking I passed...but I definitely was down to my last rope!  Good thing, that day is behind us.  After Monday, I wasn't too sure how the rest of the week was going to play out, but Kiley was a joy to be around! I guess after you experience the worst day yet for Kiley it can only get better from there for all of us! Hey, at least we weren't in public when this happened! That I can be grateful for...

Saturday, getting ready to go on the boat.

Here, she is pointing for her life jacket and fixing to utter her famous four letter word, "THAAAAT!"

Being silly!

This past weekend we made it back to the lake and spent Saturday with GiGi (my grandma).  Kiley is getting really great at taking naps - a huge relief and accomplishment for Mama! Patting myself on the back : ) - looks like patience can pay off.  So on Saturday, we hit the lake in the morning once GiGi got there and did some wakeboarding and water skiing.  After lunch, Kiley took her nap which lasts about an hour to two hours and she was ready to go again! If you don't know already, Kiley has always been a great sleeper for us at night, sleeping about 12 to 14 hours, but the naps well, not so much.  So I finally told myself that I was going to put her in her crib and let her cry it out.  Afterall, Mama knows best! Sure enough, now when I put her down for a nap around 1:30 she cries for about 5 minutes and then before I know she is sleeping! Makes everybody's day a lot easier and happier when Kiley gets her rest!

Her hair is growing so fast!

A great picture of Kiley and her GiGi!

Dancing before we load up to go out on the lake.

She loves to watch her Dada wakeboard. 

Kiley having an in depth conversation with her GiGi.  What she is saying? Nobody knows!

Today, we got back home in the aftrnoon and I decided to take Kiley out in the front yard and get camera trigger happy! I love taking pictures of Kiley and she loves smiling for the camera.  When she was a little baby, I always had the camera out for every occassion.  Don't get me wrong I still am taking pictures, but not for special events like I was before.  But I think that because I always had that camera out, there is no way for her to be camera shy.  She is always smiling for the camera and she definitely loves to be the center of attention.  She's not spoiled at all!

Stopping to smell the flower.

I LOVE this photo.  This is how Kiley runs.  She puts her arms behind her back and runs like the wind! So sweet and so cute! It makes my heart melt looking at this picture because it is so Kiley!

Such a big girl. She got on her 4 wheeler all by herself!

She has such long eyelashes and the sweetest little her so much.

This photo makes me smile.  She was trying to put the bark back on the tree.

Thanks for reading and until next week, Gig'em & God Bless!