Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Fun in the Sun!

This past weekend Kiley, my parents and I went to the lake Saturday.  We got up super early and had breakfast in Bastrop and then headed on to Lake LBJ for some fun in the sun.  Kiley is becoming so comfortable with the boat.  She knows that she is suppose to wear her life jacket on the boat and gets so excited when she does see her life jacket because she knows we are going boat riding! She is always waving at all the boats that past and is starting to enjoy getting into the water at the sand bar. When we aren't on the boat she is playing with her toys and the puppies.  Zoe adores Kiley and vice versa.  At the lake Kiley found a strap to one of her chairs and was acting like it was a leash for Zoe.  So I took the strap and attached it to Zoe's harness.  Kiley thought this was hilarious and Zoe, the good natured dog that she is, went along with it.  It was great entertainment for Kiley all weekend and I got a lot of shots and video.  You can tell just how observant Kiley is because everytime she would pick up that leash she would holler at Zoe to do something, which, sadly, sounded just like me!

She loves looking at herself.  When you show Kiley a picture of herself and ask her who that is, she has now started to respond by pointing at herself! It's so cute and Mommy couldn't be more proud!

 Mommy's little cleaner! I have taught her early and well! Jason learned how to wakeboard this past weekend.  He did great and his daughter was so happy for him - constantly cheering/yelling him on and clapping!
The boss is driving the boat! Watch out people here she comes!

So, I finally uploaded the rest of the pictures! I know it took me forever.  I'm running behind on these posts now so, I'm working on last week right now!  Gig'em & God Bless!

Monday, July 18, 2011

My Sunshine..

When I was younger my Mom always sang the song, "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are gray.." She sang this song to me and then with me once I was older.  I now completely understand this song.  Kiley is my sunshine, she's our sunshine.  Sweet, loving, and always happy our little baby will and can always brighten our day! It's like an adrenaline rush to see her in the mornings and spend time with her! This past week went great Kiley had a blast and she was in such a great mood! She is so silly and Jason and I just love being able to be a part of her little moments. 

So, on Friday we went to the lake with my parents and my cousins, Alex and Jordan were able to come along.  We and Kiley had a blast! We went tubing and skiing and just soaked in the rays.  You can really tell that Kiley is becoming very comfortable with the boat and she gets so excited when she sees her life jacket.  She definitely understands that when she puts that on that we are going out on the water. She is really starting to understand alot - when she is finished with her bottle she says "Done!" and when we tell her that it's time to take a bath, she starts walking to our bathroom and putting toys in the tub! If we yell at Zoe to tell her to stop doing something Kiley joins right on in and starts yelling something at her too - it's baby talk so I have no clue what she is saying! but you can tell that she definitely means it! Anyways, everyone had a lot of fun and we were so glad that Alex and Jordan were able to come and have fun on the lake with us. 

Alex and Jordan

Jason and Alex

At the sandbar.  Kiley likes to sit on the back of the boat to cool off!

Kiley swimming and putting her face in the water.  If you tell Kiley to put her face in the water, she does.  It's one of her favorite things to do! She always comes up from the water with a big smile on her face, so proud of herself!

On Saturday we went to my cousin Megan's wedding.  Kiley had so much fun dancing.  We have now started to twirl when we dance.  Everytime we set her down at the wedding she immediately went to the dance floor to show off her new moves and she loved being center of attention!

I curled Kiley's hair for the wedding.  With patience and marshmallows she did great!

Kiley with her buddies/cousins, Alex and Jordan.  She just loves them so much!

Kiley made a new friend at the wedding, Natalie.  Everytime they saw each other they hugged!

You can see the excitement on her face.  Here she was dancing the night away...

Sunday at a restaurant for supper.  She knows how to pose for the camera!

Hoping to go to the lake again this weekend so until then, Gig'em & God Bless!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Baby Book Nerd.

This past week Kiley celebrated her 14 month birthday.  At 14 months our little baby is becoming a young little girl.  She is walking around now like nobody's business.  Struting her stuff through all the stores and restaurants.  She is talking like crazy and a new trend for her? BOOKS.  She is absolutely crazy about her books.  We keep her books on her book shelf which is right above her dresser.  The first thing she wants to see and play with in the mornings is her books.   Not just one book at a time, but all her books spread out on the floor for her to look at and "read." The cute thing about it, that always makes me smile, is that she is pointing at everything and talking like she is reading the book.  Her books go with us everywhere - the mall, the car, church.  Some children have blankets as their security, Kiley has her books! Now, don't get me wrong I don't think this is a bad thing at all.  In fact I think it's great, but she now has the nickname of "book nerd." I've decided that I definitely need to go buy her some more books and I added to her collection today with an ABC Elmo book that actually talks.  The reaction on her face when that book started to talk was priceless.  She was both excited and scared.  : ) So, the day starts with books for Kiley now and of course, the day also ends with us putting up the books.

She is also 100% becoming a mini Mommy.  She is one of the most loving babies I have ever been around.  Always giving everyone kisses and hugs.  She loves to share her toys and carries her baby dolls around everywhere.  As you all know she loves dogs or "A Dah!" as she calls them.  One morning this week she did one of the sweetest acts I have ever seen her do with Zoe, our dog.  She was eating cheerios in her bumbo chair on top of the countertop when she saw Zoe.  She of course gets so excited and decides that she wanted to share her cheerios with Zoe.  I picked Zoe up and she handed her a cheerio and gave her one of the biggest and most loving hugs and then a kiss! Eventhough Kiley is only 14 months old she can teach people so much.  There is no hatred in that big heart of hers, it's just all love!

In the picture, I found her sleeping like this one night.  So sweet and such a Mommy!

 On Sunday, we washed our cars while Kiley played in the garage.  Even though it was hot she had a blast! and even tried to help Daddy out a couple of times!

 Later Sunday, we went to Caldwell to have a play date with Wednesday and Dusty and their two cute, sweet boys.  We went to the Caldwell park to go cool off and Kiley wasn't too sure about the water popping out of the ground like that.  We took her over to it a couple of times, but in the end she just decided that she would rather just hang back with the adults and watch Kyson and Krush run around in the water.  I think after a couple of more visits we will start to get comfortable.  Keeping our fingers crossed!
And finally an explanation for this priceless face! Kiley decided that she wanted to try a lemon.  She wouldn't stop screaming/protesting until she had that lemon! So, Nanna let her taste it...this was the result! You would think that this face also meant that she didn't want anymore, right? Wrong.  She took another bite and pretty much had the same face afterwards. Got to love her! Until next time, Gig'em & God Bless!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Red, White, and Blue!

This weekend we spent 4th of July at the lake! Kiley had a blast hanging out outside swimming and going boat riding!

To our surprise on Sunday Kiley got out into the lake water and had a blast! It was mostly her idea which is why I think she didn't get upset.  She loves the water, but at first she feels overwhelmed and needs time to get use to it.  This time she was happy to get into the water with Daddy and Mommy and of course she had to be having some type of food so, cheerios were in hand as well!  She did some swimming and the rest of the time sat on the back board of the boat just relaxing.  We were so proud of her!

Saturday, my cousins and aunt and uncle came and spent the day with us on the lake.  It was great to catch up with them and we had lots of fun! Trey and Jordan went tubing and the water was REALLY rough so, they definitely got a ride of a lifetime! Meanwhile, Kiley was sleeping in the boat enjoying the cool breeze and catching up on her much needed nap. 

Sitting in her lake chair while Zoe acts as her fill in vacuum.  Just in case Kiley accidently drops any cheerios, Zoe is right there to clean up!

Kiley got to drive the boat! Anything that has a wheel Kiley loves to be up front trying to steer it.

Trey and Jordan before the tubing ride began.

Trey before he almost lost it!

Kiley sleeping during all the tubing action.

"Kiley, where is your nose?" Right here Mommy! This is one of the things that we learned from the Baby Einstein videos.  We haven't quite gotten where our nose exactly is, but Mommy thinks it is soooo cute!

Posing for the camera.  We love to take pictures.

Jordan and Kiley.  Aunt Jo Jo is Kiley's best buddy! Jordan has been watching her during the summer days and Kiley loves to spend time with her.  I think it's because Jordan is a lot cooler than Mommy and lets her do whatever she wants! She looks like such a big girl sitting there on top of the boat...she is growing up so fast.

The next day my Grandma, Kiley's GiGi came for a visit and Grandma's friend came as well.  Kiley enjoyed showing everyone around and mostly walked, talked, and ate lots of food - as always!

Watching everyone out on the lake while she sits in her lake chair.

Today we went in the swimming pool in the morning where Kiley ate some more food yet again!

Eating cheerios and wearing her 4th of July swimming suit! I think she looks so pretty in red and it's Nanna's favorite color on her.

Before we left the lake Kiley took some 4th of July photos in her special red, white, and blue outfit.  I think she had a ton of fun this weekend! She was definitely tired from all the activities - she slept the 2 hour drive home.

Until next time, Happy 4th of July! Gig'em & God Bless!