Saturday, November 27, 2010

Where to Begin?!?

It's been way over a week since I have updated you about Kiley.  I was waiting for Thanksgiving to be over and before I knew's almost Sunday! Life flies when you have a baby!

So, where to begin? Lets start with some positives.  Remember how I had asked you to pray last time for a better week for Kiley and I? Well, apparently he heard you, because it worked! Kiley was such a happy and loving baby last week (November 15-21)!  She took naps (so unlike her still) and she entertained herself in her high chair while we ate lunches and suppers.  She gave Mama a break for a week and for that I am grateful.  What I didn't realize until now was that she was preparing me for this week. 

That weekend (20 & 21) we packed ourselves up and headed to the Riverwalk with my parents and a couple of friends.  By the way, packing for a 6 month old is terribly hard to do! How is it that after I was done I had, a bag for the camera, blankets, and an ice box for food, her diaper bag, her own bag filled with clothes, bottles, and formula, a high chair cover, stroller, and most importantly her car seat.  Then I spent most of the day Friday thinking that I was forgetting something! Finally, I broke down and made a list.  Thank goodness I did because sure enough I thought of more. This was going to be the first time Kiley has stayed away from home and slept in a hotel.  Another first for us was that she was going to be sleeping the same room as Jason and I.  Kiley has always slept in her room from day 1 when she came home.  We knew this was going to be different for ALL 3 of us!

After enjoying the Riverwalk we put Kiley to bed and after crying for about 30 minutes she fell asleep.  The night went perfect and the next day was even better, shopping all day with Mama and Nanna!

Before we knew it, Thursday rolled around and it was Kiley's first Turkey Day! Mama was excited and went on etsy again to get Kiley a turkey dress...the minute I saw it I knew it was going to be hers! So cute and festive.

Bib provided by Aunt Kay! Thanks Kayla she looked so cute in her bib.
Playing with her toys and entertaining herself for the most part at NaNa and PaPa's house during Thanksgiving preparations.

I thought this photo was so cute because she got to sit with the big girls! : )

Kiley's NaNa sitting outside with her. They look so sweet!! We love you NaNa!!

So when I said that Kiley was being a good girl last week so I would be prepared for this week, I was talking about what happened after Thanksgiving.  The poor baby of mine got sick! No fever, but as of tonight she has lost her voice and is sooo tired.  Now I understand when Mother's say that they wish they could be sick and not their child.  That's all I kept wishing for yesterday.  She couldn't keep anything down, couldn't sleep well, and was so congested that her voice was disappearing.  The only funny part, she liked to hear her scratchy voice and kept trying to babble...

Mama bundled Miss Kiley up while we decorated for Christmas outside yesterday.

I put her to bed last night with the plan that we were going to College Station today to take some pictures of Kiley on campus.  That is if she was feeling okay.  Well we are happier today, but the voice part - totally gone! The best part? We got awesome pictures of Kiley (eventhough she didn't feel the best, she is such a trooper) and she took a 2 1/2 hour nap this afternoon (some much needed rest)!

Underneath the Century Oak at A&M.  Mama walked by this tree for 2 years and never put it together that this was the famous tree where everyone proposes! I must have been in la-la land again..

Future Class of 2032! Whoop!
Now, Mama is working on making Kiley feel better - she has a handy dandy humidifer set up in her room and Vicks baby rub on her chest.  Keep your fingers crossed! but I think it will only get better from here. Looking forward to next week when Kiley gets her picture taken with Santa, but until then, Gig Em' and God Bless!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

More Pictures!

This is from a couple of weeks ago already, but she just looks so darn cute in that Barbie Jeep!

This is the first time Kiley sat in a high chair! Mommy and Kiley's lunches/suppers were a lot more pleasant from this day forward.  Kiley was so much happier because she wasn't in that darn car seat that she hates so much and she can see everybody from this height!

 Kiley sitting up in her play pen at the office.  We are actually happy to be in there for once! and Mommy got some work done!
Kiley tonight eating at the restaurant with Nanna and Pops! I thought she looked like a cutie in that hat so, I had to get a picture!!

Sunday, November 14, 2010


TGIS..Thank God It's Sunday!! I'm thinking about whether or not I should recap this week or not, just because it was beyond tiring for Kiley and I!

I love when people ask me, "She must never cry, is she always this happy?" My answer? Well first I want to laugh because Kiley definitely cries.  She may not be crying then, because she knows how to put on a show, but believe me when I say that Kiley cries...

So, the only positive I have of this week is that it is over...YEA! And that Kiley is now sitting up on her will come soon.  Mommy is happy and sad about this new development.  It just means that she is getting bigger, but I should be happy because she is making progress.  We can sit up on our own, but no rolling over or holding the bottle - did I mention that Kiley is a pretty lazy baby? 

As I have previously written we got shots on Wednesday, Thursday we had a fever and was cranky most of the day (but who can blame her), Friday Nanna, Kiley and I went to Austin to get some things for the office and we were good that day. Now the night was a different story.  Kiley was fussy until she finally got her bottle and went to bed.  Thank goodness for early bed times! Saturday was different for Kiley.  My Papa had a 80th birthday party.  She wasn't really use to being around such a crowd in one house.  We refused to sleep due to the fact that we might miss something! and therefore, we were again fussy (Mommy too) until we got our bottle again and went to bed (that night she went to bed early AGAIN).  Mommy will always love Kiley, but sometimes she sees her a little too long and Kiley goes to bed early!  Sunday, started going down hill from the middle of church and forward.  We slept a total of 1 hour today! (sarcasm)  And tonight when we put her to bed she screamed/cried for about 30 minutes until she finally gave in...Please Help!

Basically, the whole week was spent fighting sleep..what am I to do? I'm trying to teach her about nap times and putting herself to sleep, but she thinks she is going to miss out on something! Too bad Mommy can't take the nap for her! Oh well, wish me luck/pray for a better week starting tomorrow!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

From Skinny to Chubby...

Just thought you might want to see how much Kiley has changed from when she was a little bitty baby (6 lbs. 9 ozs) to the present (16 lbs. 7 ozs.) Like I said from Miss Skinny to well Chubby! But like everybody says, babies are suppose to be chubby and she is just so darn cute these days with that round face of hers!

 Birth picture in Mommy's arms for the first time.
 One month old - so sweet.  We couldn't get her to wake up that night, no matter what we did!
 2 months old and starting to smile!
 3 Months old - now we are finally starting to fill out!
 In her little tutu at 4 Months!
 Most of you know this photo from the Gerber contest! 5 months
6 Months - playing with toys, smiling, and now we know how to scream! I don't know what we would do without her in our lives though!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

What a day!?!

I wasn't going to type anymore today, but after the day Kiley and I had I couldn't resist.  It started off great! I was actually productive this morning and Kiley slept till 8:30 like she always does.  When it comes time to wake her up though...I go to her crib and she has a HUGE red spot on the left side of her cheek! I'm thinking "oh no, now what does she have? another rash? again?"  Turns out that I didn't have to worry about taking her to the doctor today because she was already going for her 6 month shots.  Yes, I said shots! YUCK!  After we are all dressed, Kiley eats her carrots in between all the yums and the babbling.  I load her up and go to Nanna's to try to figure out just what it is that Kiley has on her cute little face.  Our conclusion? We had no idea!

Fast forward to 2:15 and we are at Kiley's doctor.  Kiley makes her grand entrance sleeping...Once I strip her down though we are awake and come to find out my little baby isn't so little anymore, 16.7 pounds and 25 1/2" later.  We see the doctor and get all our wonderful shots (sarcasm by the way) and go out the door to yet another drive where Kiley falls asleep.  Long day possibly? And the HUGE red spot? Just dry skin from this crazy wonderful Texas weather.  Good thing Mama stopped to get some moisturizing lotion because it is already looking 10X better.

Now, fast forward to the present.  Kiley is sleeping, Zoe (the doggie) is sleeping after drinking way too much pool water at Nanna's house and getting sick once again from it, and Sonni (the other/older doggie) is probably sleeping after accidently falling in the pool and did I mention that he can't swim to well?  It was just a crazy whirlwind of a day. I know that I'm pretty happy that it is over and praying that the next day will be less adventurous!

Is it 6 already?

It is really hard for Jason and I to believe that our little girl is 6 months old.  Last night we were looking at the video camera from when she was only a couple of weeks old.  I didn't realize it until I watched her that she has changed sooo much. 

The other day we showed her a video of her crying when she was 2 weeks old.  She just stared at that video, her eyes were wide as ever! I don't think she had ever heard quite a noise like that before. It was so cute, like Jason said I wish we could do a video of her watching the video!

Every birthday month I take pictures of Kiley.  So far we have taken pictures in our frontyard, Nanna's backyard (my mom), and at the white house by the courthouse (always forget the name).  Anyways, for this month I wanted to do something different and special.  So, me and Nanna went out to CR 200 with a screaming baby in the backseat and set up a place there along the rode.  Meanwhile, I'm praying that she stops crying and will crack a smile for these pictures! Luckily, I had my Mom there to help me out..I would say that we definitely make a good team!!

Did I mention that the toy was the only way I could get her to not cry at first? 

The things we take for granted.  Like Kiley, feeling the grass and dirt.  She also pulled it out of the ground and tried to put it in her mouth! Don't worry Nanna stopped her just in time!

 I know that is a lot of pictures, but I just love them all! She really is filling out looking at these photos.  God has definitely blessed us with a beautiful little girl!

Kiley's 1st Halloween

Well Kiley had her first Halloween a couple of weeks ago and we didn't necessarily dress her up.  She gets crancky around 7 (trick-or-treating time) so instead I just took some pictures to remember the holiday.  I went on Etsy (my favorite website for Kiley) and found this woman who prints stickers that you can have customized.  I thought this was the perfect idea for those short little holidays..well maybe not so much because Kiley decides to put the sticker on her shirt in her mouth (like everything else) and ink is ALL over her mouth! Good thing Mama snapped some quick pictures because shortly after that you couldn't read the sticker anymore.  Lets just say that thing went in the trash...

Yummy Carrots!!

So recently we have been feeding Kiley solids.  The first food was carrots, which we absolutely adored! Everytime she takes a bite she says YUM...

As you can see carrots were not only in her tummy they were all over her face! I think I failed to mention that Dada was feeding her..apparently he needed more practice! After that first experience we tried squash, green beans, and peas.  Kiley's favorite? PEAS.  Definitely a Mama's girl!!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

6 months and growing!

A very special being came into our lives 6 months ago.  We knew for a long time that she was coming.  We thought we were prepared, I mean you have 9 months how can you not be? But then she arrived.  No one can be prepared for such a life changing event.  I can honestly say that I was not truly living until little Kiley came into our lives.  Jason is a wonderful Dada and the presence of Miss Kiley Bear has only brought us closer.  When we met her for the first time, face to face, she took our breath away.  She still takes my breath away every morning.  I look forward to going in that room every morning and seeing that beautiful smile on her face (sometimes Dada and I race to get in there first).  I am wanting to start this blog because I want to keep track of Kiley and every little thing she does that puts a smile on my face. God truly blessed us with a wonderful baby girl and I want to make sure that I don't forget a moment of her journey...